Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Table centerpiece ideas for my wedding reception?

I am interested in floating candles with rose petals...and I also like the real tall vases with flowers and maybe some kind of floating candles around them? Kinda on a budget so I don't want to go overboard...any nice ideas?

Table centerpiece ideas for my wedding reception?
What I think would look really cool is to get a big tall vase, put a red rose in it (totally INSIDE the vase), hold it down with pretty rocks, fill the vase with water (so the rose is totally submerged in the water) and on the top of the water put some floating candles.

The rose will still "breathe" while underwater, so it'll look really cool with shiny little air bubbles. The floating candles will just tie it all together :)

Good luck and congrats!
Reply:go to www.shellofagoodtime.com

she has some great ideas for weddings! she also has these mirrors you could use as centerpieces! they are soo pretty! it'a worth a look
Reply:You can get great tall glass vases from Target or Walmart for really low prices and fill the with flower petals and flowers - they don't have to be expesive exotic flowers. Also, when you add some clear marbles or a hint of color to the water in the vase it can look really good for a really low price. Get a vase and experiment with different looks. Good luck!
Reply:I guess what my husband and I did was place 5X7 Photos of married couples in our family in the center of the tables and then placed a candle on each side of it. Love forever confetti scattered upon the table completed it. I guess we figured we would share a little of our wedding day to those who have influenced our love. Since everyone goes to weddings and remembers their own wedding it is kind of a nice tough for those who come, and a little more personal with the guests. Fun to look at other photos as well, favorites at our wedding were the black and white old wedding photos. Good luck and God Bless!!
Reply:You can do tall cylinder-like vases, half full of water, float rose petals (or a spider mum flower). I would put pebbles on the bottom... Also, a cool thing to do... drop an LED light in the water and it will glow. They make them specially. You might have to do a little calling around to find them, but they are really cool. They last for about 1 1/2 days, so no worries about them running out during the reception. candles are cool - just always have to watch them around kiddos.
Reply:somewhere really cheap would b like a dollar store of 5 and dime (we had one until a couple yrs ago i dunno if theyre still floating around). also depending on how much of a budget ur on try wicks n' sticks theyre a candle shop and rent centerpeices theyre fairly cheap between $6 and $12 per centerpeice. it seems like a huge cost but in realty isnt. the thing that makes it look like its so much is the deposity. for example if u want 10 $6 centerpeices u have to pay $120 for the centerpeices PLUS $120 deposit but ull get it back. they have AMAZINGLY beautiful centerpeices. they r breathtaking!!
Reply:Here are some sites of different floating candles, what you can do is getting an idea of what you want to do and then go to target, walmart, micheals, or ebay even and get the stuff to make them yourself, cheaper and you enjoy them more knowing you did it yourself. You can even order some of the candles of these sites and just buy the glasses elsewhere. Good luck, I am doing floating candles for mine. They are so beautiful when lit up!
Reply:How about little bells for everybody to ring, when they want you to kiss:) Just an Idea
Reply:"Kinda on a budget"? I hope you are really clear about how much you are spending. For the floating candles, what will they float in? How much will that cost? How much of a dent will that make in the budget?
Reply:The floating candles and petals in low vases or containers are beautiful, especially with votive candles sitting around them. If your hall is fairly large %26amp; the ceilings are high, you will need at least a few centerpieces with some height.

The tall tower vases are great, but require a good size arrangement on top. If you can find a florist who will work with you on price, you can get these arrangements %26amp; vases for about $55-65 each. That includes about a $10 rental for the vases. Have the florist use lots of greenery of different varieties with fewer large blooms, such as hydrangeas, stargazer lilies, carnations, %26amp; roses. This will give you a lot of bang for your buck! Only order a few of these tall ones; like if you are having 12 tables, use 4 tall tower ones, 4 floating candles %26amp; petals, %26amp; 4 hurricane style candles/holders on charger plates. This gives you three different heights %26amp; looks; it will add interest %26amp; depth to the room.

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